My blog
Every time I write a blog I consider what subject I’ll write about for my next blog and I’m always at a loss.
I know what you’re thinking, ‘Kayleigh can talk a glass eye to sleep, how is she struggling for stuff to say’, but I’m constantly thinking of ways I can make my blog that little bit different and try and make it interesting.
I’ve read accounting blogs before, and to be honest they’re often the kind of articles that’ll send you to sleep - after reading two pages of a newsletter on tax on trusts this morning my head was nearly on my desk.
What I’m getting at is that I’m trying very hard to keep my lovely blog readers awake, alert and hopefully amused!
I would greatly appreciate any feedback. You can email me at or tweet me @darceyandbate. You can even tell me what you’d like me to write about next whether it be auto-enrolment, whether you want to buy yourself a car personally or through the business or I’m even happy to talk about my life, goals and achievements.
Well, once more, that’s all for now guys & gals.
Thanks for reading!